End of support for older Windows 10 versions

As of 10 May 2022, around six percent of all Windows 10 users will no longer receive security updates. This is because Microsoft has discontinued support for version 20H2 on this date. All older versions will also no longer receive the urgently needed security updates.

To find out which version of Windows 10 is running on your computer or laptop, please enter “winver” in the search window at the bottom left of your device next to the Windows icon and click on “run”. The version will then be displayed in a small window.

21H1 will continue to receive updates until 13 December 2022 and 21H2 until 9 May 2023. For business customers with volume licence contracts, support will end one year later.

If Windows 10 does not update automatically on your device, please download Microsoft’s Media Creation Tool HERE and use it to create a USB installation pen to install Windows 10 and update the operating system. This will allow you to update manually.

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